
Piazza Walther and Via dei Portici

Architecture, Kaunas

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The central square of Bolzano is the Piazza Walther (Waltherplatz), a broad open space where markets and festivals are held, notably the annual Christmas market in December. To the north is the arcaded Via dei Portici (Laubengasse), the town's principal shopping street, with fine 17th-century town houses. Palazzo Mercantile (1708-27), now the Chamber of Commerce, on the south side of the street, is the only example of an Italian palazzo in Bolzano. At the west end of Via dei Portici is the fruit market, Piazza delle Erbe, with a Neptune Fountain. In a small square at the east end stands the Town Hall, a building in Baroque style erected in 1907. The surrounding streets are filled with buildings of various architectural styles, some with painted facades.

